Thursday, March 26, 2009

we finally reached Valezas!!! me, andrea, and moises walked hours to get here. through beach, sand dunes, forest, marsh, more dunes. we get here and are resting debating how we will cross the mouth of the river. i talked with a girl from spain who didnt shave either and she said it was so strong it was hard to cross. we had all our packs too. i put my pack down and tried to swim but could not make it, i would have been swept out into the ocean with the current. we eventually yelled over to a fisherman with a boat and he crossed and got us and took us across.
moises looking through my binos at the small fishing village.
the cabana inside at night by candlelight.
WHAT A SHITTY LIFE! i met Condor a native canadian out in front when i was chillin just rollin and he asked if i needed a place to stay. we stayed in the little half room on the left side. it had 2 beds and a bathroom but most importantly and front view of the ocean! condor was tight and he invited us to his house to drink beer, and the many liquors he kept in stock, one was a egg liquor that was sweet and thick and delicious. he had leather couches and internet and generated electricity in his house. he was living large in this small town, but he was chill, very down to earth, spoke english and spanish. we stayed at this spot for 2 nights. lit candels at night and dunked for water. it did have a door.
early morning rainbow! so colorful!
erica under the arc of colors!

tirazh doing what she does best
erica sitting in our cabana in the morning of our first day in cabo polonio.
the view from our cabana.
tirzah dropped the bucket down the well. she had to dig it out with a pole and hook. i made fun of her and then dropped it in too, later that day. her mom drew her tattoo on her back. that is the well in front of our cabana.
tirzah digging out the bucket for water. we used the water to drink(after boiling), dumped it down the toilette to flush, filled up a high bucket to shower(i dont think we showered the whole time), and to wash clothes and dishes.
still on the 4x4. futballs in nets on top of a house.
this is us driving into to town. the north coast in the distance. we stayed on the north coast.
yeap the life. folks chillin in the shade. a water barrel probably for flushing toilet and shower water. water was gotten from deap ground wells. it was fresh suprising to me. not drinkable unless you boiled it, which is what we did and then cooled it off, since i rufuse to buy bottled water.
crossing through a little stream. the night before they had a hug storm with 10inches of rain so everything was nice and muddy!
another 4x4 passing on its way out.

the town is getting closer and closer! tons of beach cabanas awaiting us tourists to rent them out. tourism is definetly the biggest money making industry of the town. we came at the end of the tourist season. this is the south coast. the north coast is to the left. cabo polonio is at the tip of a long peninsula making it very apt for frequent intense thunderstorms. which we experienced that night. we were surrounded by lightning. i learned today that 2000 people a year are hit by lightning, and 9 out of 10 survive. how crazy!
the beach and truck tracks behind us. we slowly crossed that fresh water stream that trickled into the ocean. the streams that trickled in were called las cañadas. the canyons, which is where we headed walking when me and my 2 new friends left cabo polonio for valezas, a town north. the cañadas led us a stray and we walked for 3hours longer than we should have.
tirzah sweet tirzah. we were so close to the ocean!
yeap, check it.
an old beach shack.
cows! caca de vaca!
yeap. you can see the sea in the distance! brother and sister, mom and dad sitting up front. cabo polonio in the distance to the left.
me and tirzah chillin on the 4x4 in style.
erica to my left. cool chick!
cows and horses, old shacks, green pastures.
island, very small island off the beach of la paloma. me and tirzah, after asking the lifeguards, decided to swim to the island. we ended up walking half the way it was so shallow. just one big bush and lots of mosquitoes and seashells on the island. i circled it and we dipped quick cuz of the overabundance of mosquis
my camera lense was not open all the way. this is us on a big ass 4x4 truck on our way to Cabo Polonio. it was 60pesos one way which breaks down to about 17usd$. the ride lasted about a half an hour and was bumpy, over sandy dirt roads, past cow and horse pastures, sand dunes and youll see in the next pictures.
so there were about 25 of us on the 4x4. Cabo Polonio house about 80 residents year round, but brings in 1000s a day. truckloads like this go back and fourth about every hour-1/2 hour. me, tirzah, and new friend erica were seated on the back top seat like the one in the front. we had the wind in our faces and the best view. erica was cool, a canadian who was living in Cordoba, Argentina. we ended sharing house with her in cabo polonio. enrique is sitting down below on the right, tan with his shirt off.
tirzah lieing on the beach reading, in la paloma, before we left for cabo polonio. our pot of water for noche so he didnt get thirsty, cuz he had been panting.
tirzah running in the ocean. it wasnt too crowded it was so nice!
look at her jump and flare! the water was pretty warma nd the waves were calm.
campsite in the morning the sun had risen the fire was started tirzah was still asleep noche was asleep again the day had just begun.
horse reflexion. theyw ere tied up here and there through out the town. i was on my way to fetch water from the campground nearby.
la paloma. the pigeon. i returned to la paloma after tirzah left for buenos aires a bit early. i stayed in the same spot with my new friend enrique. la paloma. no pigeons in sight, but maybe there were once.
from inside and old building
oh the rays!
sinrising behind the old Pilsen brewery
Pilsen,the local beer of Uruguay. Patricia was another brand that I enjoyed more. the brewery was not in working order anymore.
sunrise behind the naval military base.
pink and purple clouds. i love the peaceful beauty of a sunrise
naval base, do not pass!!!! ahhh man with gun! i didnt see anyone though.
a dead sea lion on the beach. this one was fresh because it still had its teeth. most of the ones you find dont have their teeth because they have been knocked out and sold for a hefty price.
me and noche went for a long walk during dawnbreak.
noche noche noche!!!
me and noche sittin watchin the sun poke its head up
the night sky. it was almost a full moon
black blue lit building we found on our night walk. tiz and noch
our camp fire. i started the flames and tirzah made the delicious potato, onion, beat, stuffed cheese peppers. mmmmmm it was delish!
yeap our beautiful tranquil camp spot. this tent was a life saver. best rain protection ever.
tirzah dear tirzah i miss her already! she doesnt look like the queen of darkness in this picture
tirzah chillin in the hut. the beach and ocean is behind me. you can see the plank set across the little stream that we had to hop on to cross to our campsite.